Professional Adviser Resources
Professional advisers are key to ensuring that clients can be connected to the Geyser Community Foundation so that their giving wishes are fulfilled. Click on the link to find more resources for Advisers.
What do you need to know, when thinking about your will?
Making a will is the only way you can be sure your wishes will be followed after you leave this world. It also means less confusion and heartache for your loved ones in their time of grief. Just as the term suggests, a will carries out your wishes.
Community Groups
Geyser Community Foundation can assist your local charity and cause by setting up a ‘special interest fund’, or a specific fund for a specific cause.
Trusts or Societies
Geyser Community Foundation offers simple, flexible and efficient solutions for charitable or family trusts.
Transferring a trust to Geyser provides a simple and effective option. Our low-cost structure enables capital to remain intact and protects it against future inflationary pressures, while distributing income from the investments back to the community you love.
FAQs: Your questions answered...
Geyser is an independent, local, not-for-profit charitable trust whose main role is to encourage charitable giving in the Rotorua and Taupo District communities and throughout the Central North Island. We provide specialist fund management and grant making expertise to a variety of local people like you who want to contribute to our communities’ long term development.
Direct donations are often spent immediately so are then gone and possibly forgotten. A donation made via Geyser goes on giving forever. The capital is never spent. As your Fund grows, the interest it generates supports your chosen charity (or charities), or charitable cause while preserving the capital. Your donation continues giving every year rather than just being a one-off.
You don’t have to be specific. Consider leaving a percentage of your estate or making Geyser an additional child in your will.
Using Geyser for your charitable giving minimises the burden of the management of your Trust after you and your advisers have passed on. There are also obvious economies of scale which lead to savings in administration and fees meaning more money for your chosen charity or charitable cause close to your heart.
You may choose to give a little every year working towards building up a Named Fund (minimum $50,000) either during your lifetime or beyond. What you have donated will earn interest and you can claim a tax credit of one-third of all donations you make during your lifetime up to the level of your annual taxable income.
We try and keep our costs to a minimum. Each Fund attracts an annual management fee of 1.5% of the capital value of the Fund. This covers all administration, grant assessment, investment management and governance.
We encourage gifts that benefit the communities in the Rotorua and Taupo Districts and throughout the Central North Island. Donations can also be made to any charitable organisation or for any charitable purpose in New Zealand.
Yes, you set criteria for your Named Fund and we will work with you to identify the recipients of gifts from your Named Fund. All gifts are ratified by our Board of Trustees.
No. All the gifts are ratified by our Board of Trustees.
A bequest is a gift made through a will. The donor may or may not specify how the funds are to be used.
An endowment is a sum (usually in the form of a bequest), which is invested so that the capital sum is not spent but generates an annual income stream. The annual income is used for charitable purposes as specified by the donor.
Give us a call on 07 349 7496 or email us at We can talk about what you want to do and how we can make it happen.