Putāruru Veterinary Club Education Scholarship
Total Value for 2024: $11,500
The value of each scholarship will be based upon the cost of the successful applicant/s course of study.
The Putāruru Veterinary Club Scholarship Fund was established to provide an opportunity to students from the South Waikato District who are studying veterinary sciences, agriculture or other disciplines that will benefit farming.
Criteria for applicants:
- The Scholarships are for full-time students studying veterinary sciences, agriculture or other disciplines that will benefit farming.
- The Scholarships are for educational purposes and can be used, for example, for study at a university, polytechnic or private training provider located in New Zealand.
- Scholarships are available for the study of one course or degree only.
- Applicants must live or have lived for at least five out of the last 10 years in the South Waikato District and immediate surrounding areas serviced by the former Putāruru Veterinary Club.
- Applications are invited from any person for whom this opportunity would make a significant difference to their lives and help them reach their full potential.
- An interview may be required before final selection.
- Applicants must be New Zealand citizens or permanent residents.
Other important Information:
- Late applications will not be accepted.
- Donations must be used for the charitable purpose for which they were gifted.
- A successful recipient/s will be selected by the former Trustees of the Putāruru Veterinary Club Trust in conjunction with the Geyser Community Foundation. The decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
- If, for any reason it is not possible for the recipient to complete their chosen education or training, they must notify the Geyser Community Foundation immediately and may be asked to repay the whole or any unspent part of the grant received.
- Successful recipients may be required to be available for interviews and to participate in promotional activities agreed with the donors. Information about the gifts and the way in which they have been spent may be used by the Geyser Community Foundation for promotional purposes.
- Successful applicants are encouraged to acknowledge the Geyser Community Foundation in their promotional activities and on social media. #geysergifts
- The gift may be revoked if the recipient’s behaviour is inappropriate or the recipient has breached conditions of the gift.
- It is expected that the recipient will use the gift within 12 months of receipt.
Reporting requirements:
The successful applicants will be required to provide a written report about how they spent the grants and outline the impact it has made on their lives. Reports must be received by the Geyser Community Foundation within six months of receiving the grant.
Payment will be made in two halves: successful applicant/s will receive 50% of the scholarship at the time of presentation and the balance midway through the following year on receipt of satisfactory reports every six-months on the recipient’s progress.
Important Dates:
Applications open: 1 June 2024
Applications close: Midnight 30 June 2024
Review and decision-making: July / August
Notification of decisions: August / September
Celebration of Giving Awards: Rotorua, 19 September 2024 and Taupo 5 September 2024.
Grant payment: (date tbc)
Accountability Reports: (date tbc)
Application Form:
Applications have now closed.
Please note: Once you have submitted your application you will receive a confirmation email ‘Thank you for your application’.
If you do not receive this, your application has not been successfully submitted. Please resubmit or email us at geyseradmin@geysercf.org.nz