When can you apply for Community funding?
Applications are closed for 2024.
Applications open 1 June and close on 30 June each year.
To keep up to date about our funds and when funding rounds open we recommend that you like & follow our Facebook page and invite you to subscribe to our quarterly newsletter
We invite you to also visit The Tindall Foundation funding page 🠢
Who can apply for funding?
Local charities and community organisations which make the Rotorua and Taupō districts a better place to live; advance the underlying health and wellbeing of the community; address future and emerging needs; make a difference in the medium / long term; develop the community’s skills and knowledge; create positive change, and foster effective partnerships can apply.
For the Rotorua Community Fund:
The Geyser Community Foundation supports charitable purposes, local charities and community organisations whose operations are focused on or directly benefit the Rotorua District and surrounding areas including Murupara. Apply here >>
For the Taupō Community Fund:
The Geyser Community Foundation supports charitable purposes, local charities and community organisations whose operations are focused on or directly benefit the Taupō Community and Turangi Districts (including Mangakino and Kaingaroa). Apply here >>
Our current funding priorities for 2024 are:
The Rotorua and Taupō Community Funds will fund projects / or support organisations to provide:
1. Access to local housing and reducing inequity
• Improving basic household financial skills
• Wraparound housing support
• Access to safe, healthy, warm homes
2. Support to young adults
• Successful transition from education to employment
• Engage young adults who are not in education, employment or training
3. Health & Wellness/Safety Initiatives
• Reducing drug abuse and domestic violence
• Local health organisations providing support for people with medical conditions or accessing treatment
• Children with specific health or education needs
4. Support to build stronger local communities
• Cultural development and diversity including Kaupapa Māori and Multicultural Communities
• Gender diversity
• Inclusive communities, including inter-generational and elderly.
Applications must be:
Applications must be for projects that are based within and which benefit the Rotorua or Taupō District communities (depending on which fund you are applying to), and either:
• an Incorporated Society, or
• a Registered Charity or
• a School/Kura.
We do not fund:
• Projects for Individual benefit (individual scholarships may be available through our Scholarships page)
• Arts (funding for arts projects should be made to the Arts Fund)
• Groups operating outside New#arts Zealand
• Disaster relief organisations
• Groups whose main purpose is to promote a message rather than provide a service; this includes religious groups
• Purchase of land and buildings
• Overseas travel
• Capital funds for the creation of loans, scholarships, grants, etc.
What other types of funding are available?
Arts Fund – Applications open 1 June each year
The generosity of an anonymous Rotorua donor was the catalyst for the Arts Fund.
The Fund represents donations from individuals, organisations and businesses in the local district communities who want to contribute towards a permanent legacy for the benefit of their communities to engage with and participate in disciplines of art. Apply here >>
Environment Fund – Applications open 1 June each year
Mary Irvine established this Fund in 2014, the income from which is to be directed at charitable purposes and projects which advance the protection, promotion and preservation of the natural environment, flora and fauna of the Rotorua and Taupō district communities – forever! Apply here >>
To keep up to date about our funds and when funding rounds open we recommend that you like & follow our Facebook page and invite you to subscribe to our quarterly newsletter