How far have we come?
Investment Policy
Geyser Community Foundation’s funds are currently managed by Cambridge Partners.
Cambridge Partners, founded in 2017, is a merger between two of New Zealand’s most highly respected independent financial services firms – Bradley Nuttall and iQ2 Private Wealth. They offer independent wealth and investment management services throughout New Zealand.
You are welcome to view a copy of Geyser Community Foundation’s SIPO and Distribution Policy here 🠢.
Our SIPO is reviewed every three years.
Annual Report
Geyser 2023 Annual Report is available to view here.
Click here to download a pdf copy →
Geyser 2022 Annual Report is available to view here.
Click here to download a pdf copy →
Charities Services
Geyser Community Foundation is a registered charity in Aotearoa New Zealand. Our registration number is CC21560.
Charities Services, Ngā Ratonga Kaupapa Atawhai, is part of the Department of Internal Affairs, Te Tari Taiwhenua, and administers the Charities Act 2005. They strive to be a modern, responsive, risk-based regulator focused on promoting public trust and confidence in the charitable sector and encouraging the effective use of charitable resources.
You will find more details about Charities Services website here.
Your questions answered …
Q. What is the Geyser Community Foundation?
Geyser is an independent, local, not-for-profit charitable trust whose main role is to encourage charitable giving in the Rotorua and Taupo communities, and throughout the Central North Island region. We provide specialist fund management and grant making expertise to a variety of local people like you who want to contribute to your community’s long term development.
Q. Why would I give through Geyser instead of giving directly to a charity?
Direct donations are often spent immediately so are then gone and possibly forgotten. A donation made via Geyser goes on giving forever. As your Fund grows, the interest it generates supports your chosen charity (or charities), or cause while preserving the capital. Your donation continues giving every year rather than just being a one-off.
Q. How do I know what amount to leave when I don’t know how long I will live for and what will be left?
You don’t have to be specific. Consider leaving a percentage of your estate or making Geyser an additional child in your will.
Q. I have a Trust, so what benefit would there be in giving through Geyser?
Using Geyser for your charitable giving minimises the burden of the management of your Trust after you and your advisers have passed on. There are also obvious economies of scale which lead to savings in administration and fees meaning more money for your chosen charity or cause close to your heart.
Q. Can I contribute in a limited way during my lifetime?
You may choose to give every year to build up your Named Fund (minimum $50,000) either during your lifetime or beyond. What you have donated will earn interest and you can claim a tax credit of one-third of all donations you make during your lifetime up to the level of your annual taxable income.
Q. How much do you charge? What are the costs?
We run a lean model so we can keep fees low. Each Named Fund attracts an annual management fee of 1.5% of the capital value of the Fund. This covers all administration, grant assessment, investment management and governance.
Q. Where can I make grants / what area do you cover?
We encourage gifts that benefit communities in the Rotorua and Taupo Districts or Central North Island region. Donations can also be made to any charitable organisation or for any charitable purpose in New Zealand.
Q. Can I decide where the money from my Fund goes?
Yes, you can choose who, what and how your giving benefits.